BookShop Template: Final Step
Assigning your Template Go to your Admin Area and choose the 'Change Template' option. You will be asked to give the FULL URL of your Template. Click the button and our Auto-Installer will take care of the rest. This process normally takes a few seconds only. You can update/modify your Template whenever you want. Just make sure you use the 'Change Template' option to replace your template. Alert: Have you checked the links, images, background images, URLs on your Template if they are all Absolute (full URL)? If not, please read the instructions on the previous page again. Otherwise links will not work or images will not show-up and you will be wasting hours for nothing. If stuck, contact Technical Support. Special NOTE for Geocities or similar Free hosting users: Please CHECK your Template again before you assign it to your BookShop. You can use your browser to view it as a document. Some Free ISPs add some pop-up windows or similar codes automatically when you upload the Template to your document space (server). If this is the case, Upload your Template as a Text document (Example: save it as something like BookshopTemplate.txt using a text editor and upload it, not as a HTML document). If you are not sure what this means, please ask your Webmaster or contact our Support Team. |