Advanced Features: Pre-Built Category List
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To Direct Category Linking
Readily available Categories
Both Paid and Fee based BookShop owners can add categories to their Main BookShop from this List. You can also make HTML link (Direct Category Linking) to any category from anywhere with-in your web site.
New categories are being added on a regular basis. You can always find the current list in your BookShop admin area. Contents of All pre-built categories are updated on a regualar basis the same way as the Main (Best-Seller) BookShop.
The List:
| Category ID | Category Name |
1. | A112 | Accounting |
2. | A123 | Administration |
3. | A141 | Agriculture |
4. | A161 | Aids |
5. | A167 | Animals |
6. | A170 | Antique |
7. | A175 | Aquapuncture |
8. | A177 | Architecture |
9. | A178 | Artificial Intelligence |
10. | A180 | Arts |
11. | A190 | Astrology |
12. | A194 | Astronomy |
13. | A198 | Auction |
14. | A210 | Automobile |
15. | A220 | Aviation |
16. | B130 | Banking |
17. | B140 | Beauty Treatment |
18. | B160 | Birds |
19. | C104 | Career |
20. | C111 | CGI |
21. | C116 | Child Disease |
22. | C120 | Children |
23. | C144 | Computing |
24. | C174 | Cosmetics |
25. | C180 | Cooking |
26. | C184 | Crime |
27. | C201 | Cuisine |
28. | D150 | Defence |
29. | D170 | Dieting |
30. | E111 | E-Commerce |
31. | E117 | Education |
32. | E122 | Electronics |
33. | E124 | Employment |
34. | E126 | Encyclopaedia |
35. | E136 | Engineering |
36. | E138 | Environment |
37. | E141 | Export-Import |
38. | F105 | Farming |
39. | F108 | Fashion |
40. | F111 | Finance |
41. | F136 | Fishing |
42. | F152 | Food |
43. | F160 | Forestry |
44. | G111 | Gardening |
45. | G121 | Geography |
46. | G140 | GM Food |
47. | G153 | Golf |
48. | G174 | Government |
49. | H101 | Health |
50. | H117 | Herbs |
51. | H141 | History |
52. | H146 | Hobby |
53. | H151 | Holiday |
54. | H155 | Homeopathy |
55. | H162 | HTML |
56. | H176 | Hunting |
57. | H192 | Hygiene |
58. | Z121 | Internet |
59. | Z211 | Insurance |
60. | Z230 | Investment |
61. | J160 | Journalism |
62. | L199 | Landscape |
63. | L224 | Law |
64. | L230 | Leisure |
65. | L244 | Literature |
66. | L265 | Linux |
67. | M116 | Management |
68. | M124 | Marketing |
69. | M148 | Media |
70. | M160 | Medicine |
71. | M170 | Modelling |
72. | M180 | Money |
73. | M190 | Motoring |
74. | M201 | Music |
75. | N140 | Networking |
76. | P120 | Painting |
77. | P140 | Palmistry |
78. | P150 | Plastic Surgery |
79. | P160 | Politics |
80. | P163 | Pollution |
81. | P165 | Poultry |
82. | P170 | Programming |
83. | P175 | Psychology |
84. | P180 | Publishing |
85. | R120 | Recipe |
86. | R160 | Religion |
87. | R170 | Retirement |
88. | R180 | Rock Music |
89. | S105 | Safety |
90. | S120 | Sex |
91. | S130 | Sex Disease |
92. | S150 | Shipping |
93. | S160 | Shopping |
94. | S165 | Soccer |
95. | S170 | Sport |
96. | S180 | Stock Market |
97. | S190 | Swimming |
98. | T120 | Taxation |
99. | T150 | Telecom |
100. | T160 | Tennis |
101. | T170 | Therapy |
102. | T180 | Transport |
103. | T198 | Travel |
104. | U174 | Unix |
105. | W114 | Windows98 |
106. | W119 | Wine |
107. | W124 | WWW |
108. | Y143 | Yachting |
109. | U190 | US Politics New |
110. | B180 | British Monarchy New |
111. | B188 | British Politics New |
112. | P168 | Princess Diana New |
113. | E140 | European Union New |
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