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Home: Documentation: Virtual Search Engine: Advanced Features: Speciality Search
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Speciality Search Options

Your Virtual Search Engine can perform an increasing number of speciality searches like: MP3-Search, FTP-Search, Job-Search, Kids-Search, Book-Search etc. These search options are readily available to use and you add them to your Search-Box (Search-Form) using ANY of the folowing 2 methods:

METHOD-1: By adding a Form-Input named where:
If you are not already using the Form-Input where, you have to add it to your Search-Box (Search-Form) using the following syntax. Please note, that Form-Input Names are shown in Red color and Values are shown in Blue color.
where -> web         [web-search]
where -> job           [Job-search]
where -> auction    [Auction-search]
where -> mp3        [MP3-search]
where -> ftp           [FTP-search]
where -> book       [Book-search]
(If the passed value of where is empty or the Form-Input is NOT present at all; there will be a general web-search by default. If you are using Country-Search options, you should add them to the same Input-Name where)

METHOD-2: By adding a Form-Input named target:

If you are not already using the Form-Input target, you have to add it to your Search-Box (Search-Form) using the following syntax. Please note, that Form-Input Names are shown in Red color and Values are shown in Blue color.
target -> web         [web-search]
target -> job           [Job-search]
target -> auction    [Auction-search]
target -> mp3        [MP3-search]
target -> ftp           [FTP-search]
target -> book       [Book-search]
(If the passed value of target is empty or the Form-Input is NOT present at all; there will be a general web-search by default.
SPECIAL NOTE: the target input should only be used to pass the selection option for a specialty-search like: mp3, ftp, book, web etc ONLY. DO NOT USE IT FOR Country-Search options. On the other hand, the where input can handle as a selection options for specialty-search, country-search and general web search. Use of the where input is wider than the target input. You can use both where and target inputs on the same Search-Form to make an advanced search-box; in such a case just make sure you do not use the target input for country-search selection)

New Speciality Search options are being added from time to time. However, if you add a speciality search option on your Search-Box (which is not available yet) and a search is initiated with this target option there will be web search by default. Your visitors will NOT see any program Error.
As of 15th January 2003, available specialty search options are: news, mp3, ftp, and book. By the time you are reading this more options may well be available.

You can use Select or Radio buttons to add multiple-options on your Search-Box (Search-Form).

Virtual Search Engines can also handle multilingual Question based inputs. So your visitors can type their questions in English OR other popular languages. See 'Multilingual Query' for the full list of Languages currently supported on your Virtual Search Engine.

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A Division of Highfield Business Corporation