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Home: Documentation: Virtual Search Engine: Features: Runtime Parameters
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Runtime / Global / Dynamic Parameters

Run-time variables are generated during the search process and used to pass certain values to different process-segments. They are generated by the system and destroyed as soon as the search process ends. Advanced users can take advantage of this feature to make their result pages more interesting. Run-time parameters are also called as Global or Dynamic parameters.

Run-time Parameters can be used all over your 'html Template'. During the search process they are Replaced with their Real Values. You can create various Dynamic Linking options using them. You can also use them to make your Search-Box (on Result Pages) more interactive.

If you are not assigning your own html Template you do not need to read any further. The following Runtime Parameters only applies to your own html Template (if assigned).

List of Run-Time Variables:

Used on 'html Template'only. It returns the search results. You MUST use it and ONLY ONCE on your 'html Template' as mentioned in the Activation section.

The following Parameters can be used as many times in as many places you need on your html Template.

2. ##QUERY##
This Run-time parameter is Replaced with original Query (Keywords). You can use it anywhere on your 'html Template'.
Tip: If you are adding a Search-Box on your html Template, you can show the current Keywords/Query already typed in the Search-Box on your results pages. To do so, use this parameter as the value of your Search-Box form input query on your 'html Template' as shown below.
<input type="text" name="query" value="##QUERY##">

This Run-time parameter is Replaced with original Query (Keywords) in Encoded Form. You can use it anywhere on your 'html Template'.
Tip: You can create any type of dynamic linking on your results pages using this parameter.
Example: Lets assume your visitor is searching with Keywords books cheap. On your result Page you can put something like:
<a href= "
##ENCQUERY##">Try this search in CurryGuide</a>
The Run-time parameter ##ENCQUERY## will be Replaced with Encoded Query (books+cheap) during the real search process. As you can see, this will create a HTML link like this:
Try this search in CurryGuide
(You can use this parameter for any other purposes like: Ad-Serving by Keywords if your Ad-Banner Serving application supports Keyword based ad-serving or creating links to other search engines.

4. ##RNDNUM##
This Run-time parameter is Replaced with an unique Random Number.
Tip: You can use this parameter to add a Random number to your Ad-Banner code to prevent local caching of banners. Just use ##RNDNUM## where you need to put a random number. It will be Replaced with an unique random number during the search process.

5. Current Date Time
You can show current Date and/or Time on your search result pages. The output can be controlled in many ways to suit your requirements. You can also show Date Time in any of the 7 Languages with your preferred Time-Zone. See the 'Date-Time' (in Advanced Features section) for details.


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