Here are some real-life examples.
Please feel free to try any example to explore the abilities of a BestSeller
BookShop 1 is set with the default design
and Layout. When you first sign-up, a BookShop with similar Design will
be readily available to use. You can simply change it to your design.
You will also be able to change EVERY bit of HTML on the BookShop including
text, label, font, color, background etc.
BookShop 2 is a typical example of a
quick customization.
BookShop 3 is an example
of making a BookShop using a range of Advanced Features like: Direct-Linking,
Independent Front Page, Hottest-3, customized search-box etc. The
First page you would see is a working example of Independent Front Page.
For details on available features, please visit the User-Guide anytime.
BookShop 4 is also an example of an Advanced
BookShop with a Search Engine like appearance. The First
page you would see is a working example of Independent Front Page using
a range of Advanced Features like: Direct-Linking, Hottest-3, customized
search-box etc. For details on available features, please visit the User-Guide
Example bookshops will open in separate
window. Once you have tried one, you can simply close that window and
return to this place.
Try » BookShop
1 (Default)
Try » BookShop
2 (Typical)
Try » BookShop
3 (Advanced Example)
Try » BookShop
4 (Advanced Example)
For more technical details,
please see the User-Guide.