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BookShop Template
BookShop Template is an ordinary HTML document with your own design. Once set, ALL BookShop pages will be created using this design.

How to create 'BookShop Template'

The easiest way is to take an existing HTML page from your web-site, keep the Header, Footer, links, images etc. only. Put a blank line between them with the word $SHOWBOOKSHOP. It is a good idea to leave a blank line before and after the line that contains the TAG (word) '$SHOWBOOKSHOP'. You BookShop contents will appear where you put this TAG. See the following example:

IMPORTANT: All the Images and Links on your 'BookShop Template' MUST have their full URL (absolute, not relative).
<img src="" ... >


<title>Your Website Title</title>
<body ........ >

<!--  Your HTML -->


<!-- Your HTML --->


Now save this file anywhere with-in your current web-site with any name. You can save it as a HTML or text document. Write down the exact URL of this file. This file will be used to create your BookShop pages. You can use all HTML elements (text, images, links etc.) on this page BUT NO SSI (server side includes) calls.

Important: Your 'BookShop Template' will generate all bookshop pages from our servers and show it to your site visitors in real time. Please be careful to the following things.

1. All the links, images URLs on this template must be absolute (full URL, like

2. No element like Server Side Includes (SSI) that requires direct processing on your server. You can put links to your cgi scripts as usual (use absolute URL).

3. When you upload this page (template) to your website, make sure it is in a place/directory where your normal HTML pages are located and accessible with a browser. (Not in a password protected or cgi-bin directory)

4. Do not put any extra HTML around the Tag $SHOWBOOKSHOP

5. By default the bookshop contents will cover the full screen WIDTH. If you are using TABLES to control the width of your HTML page, you can do something similar to the following example:

<table border=0 width="Your Table Width"   ...   >
To show results on the center of the screen, simply CENTER the table, as shown above in blue color. In any case, make sure there are at least 480 pixels width space on the screen for bookshop contents to show-up properly formatted. A narrower space may spoil the beauty of the output. Check it after assigning the Template, as you can change the Template whenever you want. Take the same measure if you will be using Frames to show search results.

6. Consult us if you are stuck.

7. For FREE BookShop users ONLY: You MUST NOT put any 468x60 size banners on 'BookShop Template'. This includes bigger or smaller or near size, example: a 400x40 banner is considered near-size and NOT allowed. You may put a strictly limited number of SMALL image/buttons, ad-banners or affiliate-links. Try to use text links instead. There are no restrictions on images that form the design of your site.

As a Free Engine User you must also make sure you did NOT put any pop-up windows on 'BookShop Template'. If you are using Frames, make sure NO Large Banner (as mentioned above) or pop-up window appear on any Frame window.
NOTE: Your BookShop pages are created and hosted on our network (not on your ISPs servers) and any conditions/restrictions set by your ISP do not apply to them.

For ALL BookShop pages are shown using the HTML design of your 'BookShop Template', it plays a VERY important role in overall performance of your BestSeller BookShop. You are well advised to familiarise with these Performance Enhancement issues.

If you don't know anything about HTML or using a graphical program that creates your web site: Choose one of your current page (probably the Homepage). Open it with a Text Editor like 'Note Pad' if you are on Windows (other operating systems also have something like that). You will see the HTML code that creates that page. Save this file with a different name so that you do not lose your current information. Now, try to find the places where your HEADER-Part ends and FOOTER-Part starts. Delete everything between them. Type $SHOWBOOKSHOP on a single line. Save this file and upload it to anywhere on your web site. Don't forget to write down the exact URL as you upload it to your web site.

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