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Home: Documentation: Virtual Search Engine: Features: External Parameters
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External Parameters

External options and parameters are normally set/modified/changed on your Search-Box (Search-Form) (including the 'html Template' if you are adding Search-Box on your html Template). They are set as usual Form Inputs. Please note that all Form Input NAMES and their VALUES are case sensitive.

Usable External Parameters (Form Inputs):

1. Input Name: ac
This is a required parameter and usually used as a HIDDEN INPUT. This input sends your search-engine AccountName to query to the search application. This parameter must be present on your Search-Box (Search-Form).
<input type="hidden" name="ac" value="VSEACCOUNTNAME">

IMPORTANT: The above ac parameter is REQUIRED. If this parameter is not present or incorrectly assigned; you search engine may not work. Also note, that you must Replace VSEACCOUNTNAME with your Real AccountName. Please remember that AccountName is CaSe Sensitive.

2. Input Name: query
This should be used as input type TEXT. This input sends the search query to your search engine. This is where your visitors type their 'Query' (Keywords).
<input type="text" name="query" value=""      ......    >

The above query parameter is REQUIRED.

3. Input Name: type
(Optional Parameter)
This input controls matching options. Assigned Values:
type -> all                 [match all words, DEFAULT]
type -> any               [match any of the words]
type -> phrase          [match as a Phrase, exact text]
(NOTE: your VSE now supports Boolean Syntax like +, -, "", AND, NOT, OR etc. and if a search is made using Boolean Syntax the above form input type will have NO effect. Search queries with Boolean Syntax will always override any matching criteria set using the match input.

4. Input Name: where
(Optional Parameter)
This input sets a search target. Can be used to select a Speciality-Search Option and/or Country-Search. (See 'Country Search' for more details on Country Search Options. If no defined value is passed OR not present at all; there will be a general web search by default. Example values:
where -> web                 [web search, DEFAULT]
where -> ca                   [Country Search for Canada]
where -> mp3                [MP3-Search]

5. Input Name: pp
(Optional Parameter)
This input controls how many results would be shown per page. Possible Values can be any positive Integer or 'all':
pp -> 8                     [8 results per page, DEFAULT]
pp -> 10                   [10 results per page]
pp -> 16                   [16 results per page]
pp -> 20                   [20 results per page]
pp -> 25                   [25 results per page]
pp -> all                   [all results are shown straightaway]

(Form Input pp would take any integer values and the exact number of results are shown per page. If the assigned value is all - all results will be shown without any page spanning)

6. Input Name: lang
(Optional Parameter)
This input controls target Language of results. If selected, preference will be given to resources in the chosen language. Possible Values:
lang -> any                     [All Languages, DEFAULT]
lang -> dutch                   [Dutch]
lang -> english                [English]
lang -> french                  [French]
lang -> german                [German]
lang -> italian                  [Italian]
lang -> portuguese            [Portuguese]
lang -> spanish                 [Spanish]

7. Input Name: ss
(Optional Parameter)
This input applies Safe Searching (Adult Keyword filtering) on the current search. Possible Values:

ss  ->  s                [Safe Search ON]
(In all other cases Safe Search is OFF, DEFAULT. See 'Safe Search' for further details)

8. Input Name: sum
(Optional Parameter)
This input controls how a record/resource details are displayed. Possible Values:

sum  ->  n:n                [Full Details, DEFAULT]
sum  ->  n:y                [Titles and Description only]
sum  ->  y:y                [Titles Only]
(This sum input replaces previously used nsrc and nsum inputs)

9. Input Name: sd
(Optional Parameter)
This input deactivates/activates Internal Ranking and Duplicate Removal. Possible Values:

sd  ->  s                [Ranking OFF]
(In all other cases Internal-Ranking is ON, DEFAULT.)
When the Internal Ranking is ON (DEFAULT) results will be ranked internally and all duplicate results will be removed. Otherwise, all results are shown after initial sorting.

10. Input Name: target
(Optional Parameter)
This input may be used to select a Specialty-Search option (mp3, ftp, book, auction or general web searching). See the Specialty-Search section for details.

11. Input Name: tzone
(Optional Parameter)
If you are showing Date/TIME on your result pages; this input may be used to set a different Time-Zone or Language for your Date/Time output. See the Date-Time section for details.

12. Input Name: adbg
(Optional Parameter, for FREE VSE users only)
On Free VSEs we show a banner on result pages (between the results; using the Intermediary Promotion slot). By default, the banner is shown in a nicely-formatted table with a randomly changing background color. This adbg input can be used to set a fixed background color. You can set any color from the following color options. Note, that the values are case sensitive:

Input Name     Value     
Background Color
adbg  -> ffffff  
Pure White
adbg  -> ffcc00    
adbg  -> ccccff    
adbg  -> 66ff99    
adbg 3399ff    
adbg  -> eeeeee    
adbg  -> 000000  

Example: adbg=ffffff will always show our ad-banners in a White background. This adbg input is not used on fee-based/paid VSEs.

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A Division of Highfield Business Corporation