Buy Now
Auto Suggest package can be ordered using the following PayPal link. You can pay using any major credit or debit card.
Please note, that you are not required to have a paypal account.
Hurry ! Special introductory offer price ends soon !
Product: |
Auto-Suggest (Standard Version 1.1.x.) - General Search Pack. |
Introductory Price: |
$99.00 US Dollars (or equivalent) only !
Note, that this is a special introductory price and does not include any
product installation service. Currently the front-end is free of charge.
If you intend to order installation for this product, please make sure to
choose the package with installation service included for an extra $45.00 US Dollars.
You can order installation service at a later time for a fee of $65.00 US Dollars.
- Auto-Suggest complete pack with Front-End and Back-End packages.
- Back-End with 'General Search Pack' content databases (as implemented in the fully working live demos/trials).
- Documentation with additional design styles and examples.
- Across the site unlimited usage license for 1 domain (or sub-domain).
- Standard technical support as described in technical support section.
Please contact Sales for ordering information.