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  1. Fully customizable look, appreance and layout.
  2. Comes as ready to run upon installation.
  3. Auto suggest comes as a self contained package and does not require any other external or third-party databases or optional server addons. All content databases are delivered with the package.
  4. Fully interactive, real-time service.
  5. No programming or scripting or database setup is required.
  6. Currently no fee for the front-end. You only pay for the back-end data pack. This is a limited time offer!
  7. Option to deploy a search auto-suggest system with a content database pack of your choice. We have an extensive range of database packages to choose from. See here
  8. Auto suggest works in all major browsers: Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera, Safari etc.
  9. You can choose to use or build your own front-end and just use the back-end data pack. We can (optionally) build specialized, purpose-oriented front-end packages with additional features and/or services.

If you need further information about any feature not mentioned here, please contact Sales.