Auto-Suggest - System Requirements
Auto suggest comes as a self contained package and does not require any additional or third-party
server addons or modules. The package comes as ready to run immediately upon installation.
Minimum Requirements:
- Fully working web server (shared, virtual or dedicated) with CGI support. You must have
permission to run your own CGI scripts/programs.
- Any of the following server (machine) operating system (OS):
- Linux (all popular distributions: Redhat, Fedora, Debian, SuSE, Ubuntu, Gentoo, CentOS etc.)
- FreeBSD
- SunOS (Solaris)
- Windows (NT, 2xxx, XP, Vista etc.).
If you are using a shared/virtual hosting, your hosting account must have permission to run
- At least 200MB free disk space in server.
- Internet domain name.
Note: The above requirements and recommendations apply to Auto Suggest 'Standard' version packages only
and under certain circumstances additional requirements may still apply.
Additional requirements may also apply to Specialized, Customized and Purpose-Built systems.
If you need further information about any issue not mentioned here or have a question, please contact