live-portal web 2.0 drag drop portal solution  
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Live Portal has an extensive range of features and options to deliver a reliable, resilient and cutting-edge service. Here are some of the built-in features. Please try out the real-life trial sites to experience them.

  1. Web 2.0 compliant service with smart drag and drop system.
  2. Comes as ready to run upon installation.
    Live Portal comes as a self contained package and does not require any other external databases or optional server addons.
  3. Multiple Tabs
    Tabs allow organizing channels into groups. User can add/remove/rename a tab and add any content channel to any tab.
  4. Ability to add more channels
    You can add virtually any RSS Feed, External Widgets, iFrame content, HTML Content as a channel through the easy-to-use, password protected administration interface.
  5. Design, appearance and relevant attributes are customisable.
  6. Advanced channel layout and viewing options.
  7. Fully interactive drag, drop, positioning, maximize, minimize, close/delete options.
  8. Built-in Self-Repair system for durable, reliable service.
    Live Portal has a smart self-repair system built-in. This automatically repairs the common problems associated with serving content from multiple sources.
  9. Built-in Auto-Maintenance system.
    Live Portal has a clever auto-maintenance system built-in. As a result, it usually does not require any regular or essential maintenance or administrative actions.
  10. Easy Administration and maintenance
  11. Broader browser support. Live Portal works in all recent versions of Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera, Safari browsers.

If you need further information about any feature not mentioned here, please contact Sales.